Update information V.2.03 2023/02/10 iOS16 compatible
1. Solved the problem that Analyzer becomes unresponsive on iOS 16.
2. Modified the UI to display a Dialog for operations that require restrictions.
3. Other minor changes and fixes have been made.
Update information V.2.02 2022/10/15 Bluetooth compatible
1. Audio can be heard via Bluetooth
Analyzers can be turned on/off independently.
This is because howling may occur when using Bluetooth speakers.
2. Adjusted the display relationship.
3. Other minor changes and fixes have been made.
Major update information V.2.0 2022/06/17 The recording analysis function was introduced and implemented.
1. Digital recording and digital playback analysis functions have been added to the Analyzer function.
Along with this modification, some related functions have been added.
2. Improved the color of Waterfall (red is now overranged)
3. The analysis function has been updated, and erroneous analysis due to noise has been improved.
4. You can now turn the Analyzer on and off.
5. The range of Manual Keyer has been changed to a higher range.
6. The range of Auto Keyer has been changed to a higher range.
7. Expanded AutoKeyer speed parameters for optical Morse.
8. The interval for detecting ON / OFF of the signal can be switched in the DotTime Dialog.
Added Measurement interval (ms).
Update information V1.90 2019/07/30 The operation screen has been significantly modified.
1. Added Paddle Key to Manual Keyer.
You can switch from the Setting screen.
I made it possible to repeat, but the operation is difficult ... there is room for improvement.
2. Enhanced the ability to analyze unknown Morse code
Improved the operability of the manual, which was a little difficult to use.
1) Added resolution switching to graph display switching.
2) The Morse sound selection function has been moved to a button.
3) Added the function to change the sound pressure threshold arbitrarily.
4) Added the function to arbitrarily set the Dot time corresponding to the speed.
3. Fixed Analyzer's auto-threshold logic.
At the time of Waiting, it returned to Default so as not to lock at the maximum value.
Also, the threshold during Waiting can be changed.
4. The analysis ability has been improved by reviewing the analysis logic of Realtime Analyze.
5. The analysis capability of Buffed Analyze of Analyzer has been improved.
The analysis logic was reviewed and measures were taken against erroneous analysis at low speeds.
6. Changed the color of Bar Graph.
7. Fixed the logic of Waterfall and expanded the display range.
NOTE: There are new parameters, so if you update from the old version
The initial settings may not be correct. You can fix it manually,
If you uninstall and install it, it will be the normal initial setting.
Update information V1.83 2018/12/08
1. Manual Keyer A bug was pointed out in Japanese conversion and it was fixed.
The conversion could not be done due to a mistake in the Morse code of "Me" in the conversion dictionary.
Update information V1.82 2018/11/11
1. Manual Keyer A bug was pointed out in Japanese conversion and it was fixed.
"O" and "N" were not listed in the conversion dictionary.
There was a mistake in the conversion dictionary for ")" and "(".
Update information V1.81 2018/08/18
1. The bar graph display design of the analyzer has been redesigned so that even minute signals can be seen.
The signal ON / OFF threshold value is displayed as a line on the graph.
2. Fixed a bug that Memory of Search function is not reflected in the cursor.
3. Fixed the initial threshold.
4. Fixed the logic of automatic threshold adjustment.
Update information V1.80 2018/06/23 You can now select manually.
1. There was information that the Morse code of BF1 (Battlefield 1) could not be analyzed, so I checked it.
In the situation on the Game screen, loud sounds such as explosion sounds are emitted and even Morse code
The sound pressure is about the same as the Morse code sound because it is mixed with the rattling sound.
In that case, this app will try to analyze the louder sound as a signal.
Therefore, we have provided a function to manually select the Morse code so that any sound can be selected.
Furthermore, by lowering the lower limit of the signal sound threshold from 50 dB to 20 dB, even fine signal sounds can be produced.
It is now possible to analyze. (DEMO has been uploaded to YouTube)
2. The analysis engine in buffer mode has been slightly modified.
Update information V1.70 2018/06/09 Fixed the crash problem.
1. Fixed a bug that Analyzer crashes on iPhone 8 ~.
2. Fixed some startup sequences.
It is a measure against the instability of the signal at the initial stage of startup.
3. 3. Supports iOS.11.4 by upgrading to the latest compiler.
Update information V1.60 2018/01/10 Added support for screen rotation.
1. Supports landscape orientation on the Analyzer screen.
Can be rotated up, down, left and right. It will be easier to bring the microphone closer to the speaker.
2. A waterfall display has been added to the FFT graph display screen.
Touch the screen to switch in order.
You can also switch by swiping.
Swipe up: Display OFF
Left swipe: Waterfall display
Right swipe: Bar graph display
Update information V1.53 2017/11/28
1. Fixed a bug that the sound keeps sounding when the Pause button is pressed with AutoKeyer.
2. Modified to display Lunch Screen for 1.5 seconds, Ver number is displayed.
3. Screen layout modification
4. Reduce the burden when starting Analyzer, add a little guinea
5. When the app uses the microphone for input, in iOS10 or later, if there is no description in info.plist,
It turned out that the application was down, so I dealt with it.
6. When using with iPad, it corresponds to the model without LED.
Update information V1.51 2017/11/08
1. Compatible with iPhone X
2. Countermeasures for the problem that the threshold value remains high with [Lock ON]
3. Improvement of analyze logic Further high-speed analysis is possible.
4. Layout defect repair
Update information V1.5 2016/07/25 Buffer mode regular release
1. The high-speed analysis algorithm in buffer mode has been improved to support higher-speed communication.
2. The logic for determining the sound pressure threshold has been improved to improve analysis performance.
3. Added the function to lock when touching at "Get Signal".
Update information V1.3 2016/11/11 FFT engine has been adopted.
1. FFT analysis has been added to Morse code analysis, and the analysis rate has improved dramatically.
2. We specified the frequency of Morse code and set a sound pressure threshold for it.
3. Added the function to automatically select and analyze the appropriate sound from Morse code.